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M I S S I O N   E S T A T E S   P R O P E R T Y   O W N E R S '   A S S O C I A T I O N
Traffic Study Results
Mission Estates Residents, 
This is to inform you that as a result of the conditions described in the below letter, Four-Way Stop Signs will be installed at the intersection of San Jose Drive and Augustine Court in the near future. Our hope is that combined with the Four-Way Stop at Cristobal, this will serve to reduce the speeding which has become commonplace in our neighborhood.
We apologize for any inconvenience this causes you, and we hope that you experience a greater quality of life as a result.
Mission Estates Property Owners’ 
Association Board of Directors
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Once the below letter was sent, the Board received feedback from several homeowners.  It was determined that a "Your Speed Is" sign and flashing light was installed rather than striping.  We have seen some improvement in speeding due to this.  Please be mindful of your speed and keep our neighborhood safe for all who live here.